Heat Wave.
The worst Summer I have experienced in Oregon since 1994.
Had to get a fan. Could not afford a portable air conditioner.
I managed to get really creative and find ways to stay cool.
Went to the mall, saw movies for free with my SAG/AFTRA card, wore cold packs all the time, took cold showers, sprayed myself in front of the fan.
Did not have much of an appetite. Probably had a bit of heat stroke.
Had to plan to do maybe two things a day. That's it.
Strange fires from California into Oregon. Dangerous and unsettling.
Stayed to myself most of the time because I was in a bad mood. Could not breath in my house. It was like an oven.
Did JAW this year. It was great. I did two plays. "Colchester" and "Miller Mississippi". I am very proud of my work this year. I don't normally say such things but I overcame some wonderfully challenging issues. I never gave up. I don't anyway but this was something that was a risk and I was up to the challenge even in the middle of a heat wave. At least the theatre was cool and air conditioned.
Changed my house up a bit. Redesigned, downsized. My house feels larger and uncluttered. So glad I did this. After "Our Town" my new life starts and I want to be ready for it. It is a big step and will be for the rest of my life. That took a lot to type that in right now. But I am ready. I am organized and feel confident.
Another big change: I am getting my very first Smart Phone. 2014 Samsung Galaxy Core Prime. Had major troubles getting this phone. Century Link has become a really bad company to work with. It was a nightmare to unbundle and then the customer service at Verizon was unbelievably bad. Really bad. On the FIFTH day of hell I walked out of the Verizon store. Went home. Cooled down and then went on line. Then called Verizon and spoke to this customer service guy. Within the hour I had my phone. NO PROBLEMS, everything was explained beautifully. Wasn't put on hold for over 3 hours. Wasn't given the run around. Will be getting the phone by fed ex. I will battery up and then be learning how to maneuver in and out of my smart phone.
My Brother has moved to Oregon. We are going to meet with our Uncle Earl to discuss Mother. Every day things change with Mother. I can't keep up with it all. Her quality of life is what I am concerned with but evidently my Mother is handling the constant pain.
I have been loosing weight. Slowly. I am in day 75 of not eating bread or cheese. It is remarkable how good I feel. I DON'T MISS THEM AT ALL. Two of my favorite foods in the world and I don't miss them at all. Because of this change - I don't eat processed food anymore. All natural now. Colored and natural.
Pictures of the LAST DAY OF JAW 2015. Really wonderful plays this year.