Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Oh This World

Social Media exposes all of us to EVERYTHING that is going on in this world.  I don't know whether this is a good thing.  It is too much.  So much of it = we can do nothing about.  Helpless and guilt is what I feel.  Out of control.  People living their lives in a haze with very uncertain futures. 

In my own little bubble of life:  Things are changing.  In the midst of such horror in this world I have a good life.  How is that possible?  I guess I am a survivor.  I guess I am strong.  I feel lost with the world the way it is.  But......I feel happy every single day.  I problem solve every single day.  I try to help others almost every single day.  I hope that I am a good listener.  I find that I have to keep my mouth shut about many things these days.  I seem to be listening to my sixth sense.  I have been making the right decisions lately as well. 

This is simple and trivial.  One of those right decisions was = something told me to go to the Goodwill.  There I found a very heavy, large desk for $9.99 and a entertainment center for .99.  That is right.  .99CENTS.  Unbelievable.  I had a great deal of trouble getting them to my house.  It was a challenge but with that challenge came the generosity of friends.  In those hours I realized there is such hope in life.  Kindness, selflessness and love.  HOPE.  It turned out to be a great day.  Sore muscles but then again = so what.  I gave my treasured furniture that I have had for over 22 years to these wonderful people.  John and Tiffany.  Helped them move too. 

Here are some proud pictures of my new furniture.  My house looks so much better because of these new pieces.  What a discovery.  It makes me feel safe and sound in my little bubble of life. 

And there are two shots of my little monster  Billie Jean.  She is now 2 years old with a huge personality. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Love this piece of art.  She sells in Etsy.  Really wonderful artist.

This means so much to me.  This is the first Pope that I have actually loved and believed in. 

A very best friend.

As you can tell.  An extremely joyful time in my life. 

Just loved this show.  Again.  Another great time in my life.  Actually in all their lives. 

Have to add this to my list of exceptional times in my life. 

This beautifully talented actor has passed away.  He is sorely missed.  What a career.  Was so blessed to have gotten to share the stage with him. 

One last family photo just for my Mother.  They all came to visit her in San Diego.  They know how much this meant to her.  So much. 

Shots Of Family

My Mother and her Great Grandaughter:  Ainslie.  Reed and Allison's first born little girl. 
My Brother's side of the family.

Parents, children and grandchild.  So proud to be a Mclean, Mccracken. 

Living My Best Life

I cannot believe the last time I posted was in January. 

So much has happened.  So many good things.  What lessons.  What accomplishments.  All in daily living. 

I put it out to the universe that I was going to stop my career and seek other avenues of life.  Every single time I have done this ....and have meant career calls me back.  In the most unusual ways.  Out of nowhere opportunities arise.  In ways I could never imagine. 

Medically my life has changed.  Drastically.  One of the best things that has ever happened to me.  Let's just say that my brain is chemically balanced now.  And with that comes a whole new life.  In a way, I have been reborn and I am getting younger, not older. 

Everything about my life is better.  My prospective on pretty much everything is clearer.  Much clearer.  My work is better, my moods are better, my eating is perfect, I have lost weight (it's just sort of coming off, easy breezy), drink so much water now.  All stress and my anxious feelings are gone making room for just peace and joy.  I am happy every day.  Daily things effect me but I go back to being genuinely happy.  

Had a rash of film and TV auditions.  Did well.  No bookings but did well.  Was put on hold for one of them but they went with a different look.  Now I am getting theatre auditions for 2017 seasons.  Doing well in those areas too.  There could be a tour in my future.  Have to wait to hear back if I booked it or not. 

My Billie Jean is almost two years old now.  I have dealt with so much raising this cat.  But because I have invested so much, and I mean so much, that the bond is unbreakable between her and myself.  She is mine for keeps.  For now and always.  She still is a little monster but we have a slightly different view of each other that comes, only with time.   We have developed very special and unique ways of communicating and playing certain games has brought us closer together.  She is labeled as a "porch cat".  The doc says some cats like to go no further than a porch to play.  And so, Billie Jean ventures out on the porch, comes back to see if I am noticing her, goes back out to play on the porch and continues to go back and forth until she gets bored and comes in for good.

I voted. 

My Brother is playing music.  He has so many gigs.  I am so proud of him.  He has only been here a short time too.  Now he is a Grandfather.  Wow!  Ainslie is the very first Grandchild.  Now my Mother is a Great GrandMother.  Wow.  Cannot wrap my brain around it all. 

What a large family I have.  Never in my life did I know how really large my family is.  Again, I cannot wrap my brain around it all.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A Brand New Year 2016

Well, the new year has started out sort of like an oxymoron.  Is that how you spell it?

So many people have died.  So many.  It's not even close to the end of January.  I can figure around 50 animals and people have passed.  What a party is going on in heaven right now.  People I actually know,  people that have changed history, people who have made such a huge difference in this world, actors and musicians that the world loved and never thought would leave this world.  I have become numb and can't even say "I am so sorry for your loss" anymore.  Not even for my own loss.
January always has huge changes.  It seems like it is always the longest month of the year for me as well.  I actually like how it takes so long to get to February.  I have to remember one great thing about January is -  that - it is the beginning of the Awards season.

This year is our Election for President and The Summer Olympics.  Pretty big events to look forward to.

I lost my glasses.  The first time ever loosing my glasses and ...... at the DEQ getting my registration renewed.  I spent an exhausted amount of time looking for them. They have never showed up.
I now have new glasses from this company in Pasadena.  Really affordable.  There is a problem right now though.  This is one of the reasons I don't like ordering online but the company seems to be legit and so I am getting the problem taken care of.  I hope.
They sent me the wrong frames.  They are letting me keep the wrong frames as a backup and I am waiting for the correct frames.
I have always wanted round frames and now I finally have them.  And they are not $200.00 to get them either.  I also have a Red Tint which I have never had before.
So.........maybe there was a reason for loosing my glasses.  I have to say, I like the new glasses better than the ones I lost.  So that is one good thing that has come out of January so far.

I am grateful for the life I have (at the moment).
I have reorganized my home.  Let go of some things, cleaned up and renewed.  Going to the gym and feeling great about it.  Need to work on better eating habits though.  Let go of so much oil, and sodium.   Volunteering, trying to be more social, communicating with family more and looking forward to lists of what to do on a daily basis.  Still working on understanding my Beast Cat.

Already been turned down for an acting job.  Didn't even get a chance to audition.  Show Was precast.  But at least I know that this year MIGHT be a good year for jobs for me. Been seeing some really good theatre so far.  Makes me happy. 

Another great thing for this month  -  Bought a new camera.  Love it.  Took some time figuring it out.  It's a digital Metallic Red and just what I was looking for.  Keeping my old camera as back up.  Love my old camera too much to let go.  Got it from MFW about ten years ago during "The Underpants". 

Great new hair cut.

Have to buckle down and do some more knitting for my Etsy shop.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Two Holiday Bazaar Events Back To Back

What a successful two days. Wow.  I sold more than half my inventory.  It was relaxing and easy to load in and out of the events.  Of course, met some new people and hugged a few recurring vendor artists.  I really needed the funds.  I have been inspired and am now knitting some really wonderful outer wear.  It is nice to see with refreshed eyes. 
The Event on Sunday was the best it has ever been.  There was a stand-up comedian, singers, excellent artists.  I was able to set my booth next to one of my favorite people in the world.  Chris Murray and his girlfriend Caitlin and their candles.  I always love seeing Julio.  My goodness he makes beautiful jewelry.  Friends came to visit.  Dear friends with smiling faces and some bought some of my knits.  I love that the event is set around the two show days of two shows at the theatre.  It is magical.

I am so enjoying this Holiday Season.  I get things done every single day.  I don't procrastinate which feels magnificent.  I feel safe and secure which is extremely important.  The weather has  made it very unsafe but in spite of that it has all been so wonderful. 

Have been consistent with going to the gym.  Working out almost every day.  This is my third or fourth week now.  Been wanting to get back to this lifestyle for at least 20 something years now.

The reading I did a  week ago turned out pretty darn ...... well it was just swell.  I missed some things but got some complicated things down in the spur of the moment.  I was pleased.  Even with the mistakes.  The play is "HIR".  Pretty difficult.  I'm glad it was just a reading.  Well, not just a reading but ...... well yeah,  I'm glad I could just sit read this play and not do a full out production of it.  There was no rehearsals for this play.  Just sat down in front of a small audience and read the play. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Very Proud To Have Knit This Matching Set for A Client

Happy Holidays

Well,,,,,, having a great Holiday.  Thanksgiving was fantastic.  The Mclean's and the Mccracken's came together.  It turned out so well.  Loved watching everyone talking and sharing.  I hope this becomes a tradition now that David and his family lives in Oregon.  I surely missed my Mother.  I know she was thinking about all of us and so wishing she could attend.  We did our texting and loving each other that way in 2015. 

Today I voted on the films for consideration 2015.  I was extremely focused.  I was organized and was serious.  I treated it as though I was under consideration for a film.  I did not get to see all of the films.  I could only vote on the ones I actually saw.  I either - did not get a screener, the film was short lived in the theatre's or they never were shown in Oregon.  Seems a bit unfair because I may have missed out on films that should have been considered.  Because I am no longer in Los Angeles I don't get the full benefits from the premiere houses in LA.  I have gotten a much better picture on how things work from being on this committee.  Films that have a larger marketing budget are going to be considered.  There are politics in ANY awards show. Any and all. 

I have my reading tomorrow of "HIR".  It is a bear and I am glad that it is only a reading. 

I have two back to back Holiday events to do this week and then I am over for the season. 

Staying pretty faithful to the gym.  It feels really good.  I also feel so much better when using weights as well.  Hope I can make this a routine like I did in my younger years.  Kind of like brushing your teeth everyday. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Good Times

Participated in another Holiday Bazaar.  The Grout Elementary School.  Did not sell much but met some really nice people.  I love how this organization helps the vendors.  I needed help with someone carrying my table.  So grateful.  Got the help I needed.  Makes a big difference in unloading and loading again. 

Getting some action selling on Etsy and have a few commissions.  It's not much but that's fine for now.   Enjoying the knitting. 

Got my nails done.  They are my REAL nails.  Manicure and polish.  They look GREAT.  I hope I don't break them in the next three weeks.  I haven't had a manicure with my real nails for over, maybe, 20 years.  I have a great nail salon which really makes the difference.  Not having acrylics saves on money too.

Put up my tree.  So far no real problems with my cat ruining the tree experience.  I actually love how I have decorated my tree.  No ornaments.  Something I have always wanted to do.  Just ribbon and bows with white lights.  I am wrapping my presents to match the ribbons and bows on the tree.  

Going to the movies with a friend tomorrow.  Have been going by myself for quit awhile now.  I really enjoy going by myself. 

I am enjoying my time off.  I have been committed to going to the gym.  And I am LOVING it.  I feel so much better.  I am trying really hard to stick with the gym and making it a part of my life that I cannot do without like I use to do when I was in my 20's and 30's. 

Thanksgiving will be with my Mother's side of the family.  Looking forward to it.  My brother has been wanting to involve me a little more on that side of the family.  I rather enjoy my Brother thinking about me.  I don't know how to react to it though.  Take it slow and be aware.