Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Living My Best Life

I cannot believe the last time I posted was in January. 

So much has happened.  So many good things.  What lessons.  What accomplishments.  All in daily living. 

I put it out to the universe that I was going to stop my career and seek other avenues of life.  Every single time I have done this ....and have meant it......my career calls me back.  In the most unusual ways.  Out of nowhere opportunities arise.  In ways I could never imagine. 

Medically my life has changed.  Drastically.  One of the best things that has ever happened to me.  Let's just say that my brain is chemically balanced now.  And with that comes a whole new life.  In a way, I have been reborn and I am getting younger, not older. 

Everything about my life is better.  My prospective on pretty much everything is clearer.  Much clearer.  My work is better, my moods are better, my eating is perfect, I have lost weight (it's just sort of coming off, easy breezy), drink so much water now.  All stress and my anxious feelings are gone making room for just peace and joy.  I am happy every day.  Daily things effect me but I go back to being genuinely happy.  

Had a rash of film and TV auditions.  Did well.  No bookings but did well.  Was put on hold for one of them but they went with a different look.  Now I am getting theatre auditions for 2017 seasons.  Doing well in those areas too.  There could be a tour in my future.  Have to wait to hear back if I booked it or not. 

My Billie Jean is almost two years old now.  I have dealt with so much raising this cat.  But because I have invested so much, and I mean so much, that the bond is unbreakable between her and myself.  She is mine for keeps.  For now and always.  She still is a little monster but we have a slightly different view of each other that comes, only with time.   We have developed very special and unique ways of communicating and playing certain games has brought us closer together.  She is labeled as a "porch cat".  The doc says some cats like to go no further than a porch to play.  And so, Billie Jean ventures out on the porch, comes back to see if I am noticing her, goes back out to play on the porch and continues to go back and forth until she gets bored and comes in for good.

I voted. 

My Brother is playing music.  He has so many gigs.  I am so proud of him.  He has only been here a short time too.  Now he is a Grandfather.  Wow!  Ainslie is the very first Grandchild.  Now my Mother is a Great GrandMother.  Wow.  Cannot wrap my brain around it all. 

What a large family I have.  Never in my life did I know how really large my family is.  Again, I cannot wrap my brain around it all.

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